Illustrative image of the lab mission

AI for Oncology Lab @ The Netherlands Cancer Institute

Our mission is to develop artificial intelligence innovations for the improvement of cancer diagnostics and therapy

Latest news

Image for AiNed XS grant awarded to Joren Brunekreef
AiNed XS grant awarded to Joren Brunekreef

The Dutch Research Council has announced that they have awarded one of their National Growth Fund AiNed-XS grants to Joren Brunekreef, a postdoctoral researcher in the AI for Oncology group.

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Image for Letter to the editor on concerns of data leakage
Letter to the editor on concerns of data leakage

We have recently submitted a letter to the editor of the Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, and the letter was published online today. In the letter, we raise concerns about potential data leakage in one of the journal's papers on treatment response prediction from MRI data.

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The research projects of the AI for Oncology Lab


The people working at the AI for Oncology Lab