Corentin Guérendel

Corentin Guérendel

Member of the following labs:
AI for Oncology Lab Radiology AI Lab


My objective is to translate academic research in AI into real-world healthcare applications. I obtained an MSc in AI & Data Science from Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) University in 2020. Through my various projects and internships, I have been working at the intersection between academia and industry. I conducted my thesis at the Center for Mathematical Morphology (CMM) of Mines Paris in collaboration with a French startup aiVision, working on the segmentation of arteries and veins on retinal images. After graduation, I started a 6-month internship at Roche with a focus on representation learning on digital pathology images. It led to a research article at the 2021 MICCAI Workshop on Computational Pathology. Also, this work is included in a patent. In December 2021, I joined the Radiology Department of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) as a PhD student supervised by Regina Beets-Tan and Sean Benson. I am developing a multi-modal deep-learning approach to assess the presence of esophageal residual tumors after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. This aims to reduce the number of biopsies needed for patients and develop active surveillance, which preserves the patient’s quality of life by preserving the organ.